If you can’t find them, look up the specific instructions for your host online or contact its customer support team. You can usually find them from the control panel of your hosting account. Obtain the FTP/SFTP credentials of the live server from your web host.Make sure the WordPress and PHP versions of both your local site and on the live server are the same.If yours doesn’t, then you’d have to install it yourself. Most web hosting providers will install the latest version of WordPress for you when you sign up with them. Install WordPress on the server provided by your web host.If it doesn’t, then you may expose your site to security vulnerabilities. When you’re thinking about what hosting provider to sign up with, make sure you choose one that meets the WordPress requirements.
Your website needs a home on the Web to be seen by others. Make sure your domain name is connected to your hosting account, as it will make the migration process with Duplicator much easier. Some providers will grant you a domain name for free if you buy a hosting plan from them.
You can purchase a domain name from a domain registrar like Namecheap or a web hosting provider like Bluehost.
If the IP address of your website is like its residential address to which visitors are directed (like 2530 Maple Street), then the domain name is the human-readable name that people usually call it by (like Wheeler House). What to do before you migrate WordPress from localhost to serverīefore you transfer WordPress from localhost to server, there are a few things you need to do. 9.1 Q – How can I move WordPress from localhost to server?